Happiness in Foreign Trade

2017/08/21 15:53
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1、结构简单、紧凑,操作扭矩小,90度回转开启迅速。  2、小巧轻便,容易拆装及维修,并可在任意位置安装。  3、蝶板与阀杆的连接采用无销钉结构,克服了有可能的内泄漏点。  4、流量特性趋直线,调节性能好。  5、该阀可设计成法兰连接和对夹连接。  6、密封件可更换,且密封可靠达到双向密封。  7、驱动方式可选择手动、电动或气动。  8、蝶板可根据用户要求喷涂覆层,如尼龙或聚四氟类。

Who said that doing foreign trade business is painful? It is full of happiness in my mind.

1)It is happy in receiving money:

I was often told that some customers delayed the payment in domestic trade which led to the lost of bonus and even the interest deducted; While I often find that there is twenty thousand US Dollars more in my account. When checking with the bank slip, it is the full payment of my customer which I only require 30% deposit first. It is commonly seen.

2)  It is happy in health:

Domestic trade only needs male. All of them have an alcoholic stomach. In less severe cases, they may need to drink alcohol and go to karaoke, or even sauna, flirting with girls or playing mahjong, which not only takes money and gets harm to health but also hurt the family. But when foreigners come, we just need to bring them to the Nanjing ancient circumvallation (20yuan/person), walk in the stone road(25yuan/person) or eat in the Nanjing Confucius Temple and then say goodbye happily which not only can build up good friendship but also can be relaxed and money-saving.

3)  It is happy in communication:

When doing domestic trade, if delivery is pushed, customers in other place will blame you by phone calls every day while those in the local will come to your office to scold you a lot. But when doing foreign trade business, as long as you explain everything clearly before that ( do remember it is to explain before something happen), customers can understand you. When there is occasional lack of quantity( pick out the defective goods temporarily), if you make a phone call in 3:00am to explain, the customers will even be touched a lot, appreciating your professional ethics and good service.

4) It is happy in culture:

You can meet different people in domestic trade, but they are all compatriots with the similar culture while in foreign trade, you can meet different people in all over the world and area. It is interesting to find out the difference culture and it is even more surprised to find people with the same mind from thousand millions meters far away from you.

5) It is happy in exhibition:

We can increase our knowledge when participating in the domestic fair while we can even meet our customers who we haven’t met for a long time, and we can even take a chance to travel abroad, isn’t it happier?

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